labrador puppy testimonial review

“So thankful we had Laura's expert, friendly advice to guide us through the puppy transition. Our puppy Moana only cried when she wanted to go to the loo, that is at 6. The DLDT package of bones, food and toys are fab! Compared to the ones I got. Our puppy Moana is the best thing that has happened to our family. Even the grumpy teenage son is starting to play again. Thank you DLDT, we are so happy.”

—- Jade, Windang NSW.

“Since day one, Laura has gone above and beyond to help us have the best start with our gorgeous girl. The extra care that Laura provides made being first time dog owners a breeze for my fiancé and I. She was always willing to take the time to answer any questions we had, and tailored information for how to train our puppy while living in an apartment. By the time we picked up Lorien, she already had the basic training well underway - she even slept the entire way through her first night at home with us!”

—- Kat & Steve, Woollahra NSW.

“Griffin came to join our family just over a week ago now and I continue to be impressed by the work Laura has done with him. For his tender age, he is amazingly well mannered, respectful and adjusted. He is keen to learn and smarter than I am, but willing to patiently help his person cotton on to how things should be done. He has been fantastic about being handled i.e. checking his mouth to see if there’s going to be a visit from the tooth fairy; wiping muddy feet and belly after a romp outside, and being a model K9 while being fitted for a doggy coat by someone he’s only just met in order to brave his walks in the cold Canberra winter. Thanks to the crate training that’s been done, he is able to calm himself to ensure he gets the necessary down time to be the best young man he can be. I think Laura has done an amazing job with Griffin. My major concern is keeping up all her good work, but Laura has been fantastic about keeping in touch, and I really appreciate the ongoing tips and advice she is willing to share.”

—- Griffin’s proud new mum, ACT.


“Laura has done fantastic work with our boy Jersey. Being new dog owners, having him so well trained has made it such a joy to bring him into the family. Laura’s model of training puppies before delivery and provide follow-up training and advise has been just perfect for us.
Highly recommended.”

— Andrew, Mangerton NSW


“Thank you Laura for helping me with my 7yo shorthaired border collie Pipsqueak. Pip's worst behaviours were barking in the yard and in the car - both of which are greatly improved after just a few hours work. The most important thing I've learnt is it's up to ME to make it very clear to Pip what I do and don't want from her, and then to follow through with clear and consistent practice.

You’ve been the perfect coach for us - the training is fun, and Pip loves our sessions!”

— Kate, Jamberoo NSW


“Laura is patient and kind and has a definite affinity with dogs. We needed help with them barking whenever anyone came to the front door or rang the doorbell. We have seen a marked improvement in just two weeks! Thank you!!”

— Linda, Clontarf NSW


“Thank you Laura for your help with my two moodle puppies Max and Lovey. They were beginning to impact on family life with their jumping and pulling on the lead.

You were able to stop this with a few helpful tips and we have all benefited.

The dogs love when you come to visit with your positive approach and successful methods. Can't wait till your next visit!”

— Jenny, Kiama NSW


“Thank you for walking Baxter while we were away! I've been using the phrase ‘with me’ like you have been and it has made a big difference so thank you for that. We highly recommend you to anyone that needs a hand with their fur babies. You are amazing and Baxter definitely misses his walks with you.”

— Natalie, Dapto NSW